Dear passionate faith-based leader, non-profit owner, CEO, entrepreneur, coach or ministry leader...
Hi, I’m Sue Sundstrom
Best-selling Book Strategist, Publisher,
Best-selling author, Prophetic Consultant
& Award Winning entrepreneur
I wrote my first book age 14.
It was the typical story of every little girl’s dreams
- featuring a princess, a castle, a monster….and a sword that smote that monster down.
Pretty exciting to write a book at that young age, right?
I bet you’d be proud of yourself, I know I sure was.
Except I didn’t know what to do next. And didn’t seek any further guidance.
I didn’t know any better.
And so it sat.
With no feedback or edits or advice on next steps.
And unpublished. For DECADES, y’all.
No one read it.
Just because I didn’t FINISH the job.
Have you ever started something, like writing a book, and not finished it?
You probably got all excited with something, going all-out.
Well, for a few days, or weeks…and then petered out when another shiny object came along that looked shinier than the last.
Same with me.
So it was DECADES later, and after multiple attempts at half writing books that I desperately wanted to write (and I’m a self-motivated gal!) that I finally got book coaching & accountability to finish and publish my first book.
What an amazing feeling to hold my book in my hands.
Now, 6 published written works later, including #1 and #2 new releases….
…and after examining ALL the reasons I stayed stuck for sooo long, and eliminating them forever,
...and learning from many others all about writing & publishing,
I came up with my own unique framework that includes:
not just a proven, simple step- by-step process to write and publish your book - from idea to best-seller -
but ALSO includes my method for obliterating all your reasons that have kept you stuck.
So you can actually get it completed.
Because writing tips & techniques are awesome….
But they’re no good if you still have internal reasons why your book is not written.
Are you stuck with your book idea? Or stuck with it partially written?
Is there a message burning inside of you - your movement's message - and yet it's still not out?
Maybe you find you just aren't able to truly express the thoughts & wisdom that is inside you.
Or you are unsure of exactly how to structure it, to make sure it reads well and flows, keeping the reader excited and engaged to keep turning the pages.
Or you keep starting...and stopping.... and trying again... and stopping.
And because you're busy expanding the kingdom of God already with very worthy struggle to find the time to pen the very messages He has given you.
Expert help is right here, at this event.
If you're anything like me, then you are on one track: living a life of significance - not just worldly success - and allowing God to continue to use you in any way He desires - to make massive impact.
And you're being used by God mightily, yet still know - there's more.
More impact. More influence. More lives that need to be touched.
And the book has to get out so that your movement's message - your God-given wisdom & downloads - are leaving the legacy and imprint on the world that you have been mandated by God to get done.
You've got God-size dreams - and are busy achieving them.
The book - or even multiple books - is on that list, but it can get put on the back burner because of all the other things you're doing to advance the kingdom of God.
Yet you know it's an important piece of influencing others, expanding the kingdom of God, and touching more lives.
God's given you the ideas, the downloads, and most importantly, He's told you to do it.
If only you could just find the darn time - or motivation - or accountability - to get started on it - or finish it.
I get it.
That's where I come in - call me your Holy Kickstarter...or Momentum Maintainer...or Firestarter...whichever you prefer ;)
I help faith-based leaders take their book from idea to best-seller so that they can leave their mark on the world - and have it having eternal value.
God has called me (and I love it!) to exhort, to motivate, to give expert guidance, and to kickstart you back into action and into momentum towards the worthy goal of writing the book.
I've done it for thousands over the last 4 years - and been studying (and teaching) the word of God for the last 30 years.
Perhaps yours is:
- to write about your journey and personal victories you have won.
- or to pen wisdom you've gleaned from what God has taught you over the years.
- or to put your IP into a book.
- or publish bible studies you've wanted to pass on to others.
Feel like you'd love to finally get it done and published, but need help getting started or finishing?
You got it.
You need maybe ...
- a cheerleader
-someone who will expertly guide you in the 'how' and
- someone who will 'push' you to do what you know you need to do.
I can be that for you - just like I have for many others. I’ve seen clients write 30,000 words in just 30 days - an entire book draft - because they got into momentum with me and the group.
I’ve seen a woman who wasn’t even thinking of writing a book - tell me a few months later that she had written 70,000 words after being at my event!
I'd love to see you succeed at this too.
If that sounds good to you, I want to invite you to join me and other visionary faith-based leaders to this 3 Day 'Get Unstuck' Book Challenge.
Together, with my support, we will roll up our sleeves and get to work on fulfilment of this dream!
All for free right now!
I can't wait to see you in there.
Much love,
P.S. Click the “join now” button right now to get started on writing your first or next book.